An employment certificate as required by the UIF for claiming benefits. It'll be a combination of the two reports from Sage Payroll namely Year to Date (usually last 4 years) and Employee Details.
A certificate of service is required by the Basic Conditions of Employment Act and so far the report "Employee Details" have worked well for this:
In terms of section 42 of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, the employee has to be provided with a certificate of service.
In terms of section 42, it must contain the following:
The employee’s full name;
The employer’s name and address;
Any bargaining council under which the member falls;
The date on which the employee started working there and the date on which his/her service was terminated;
The employee’s job title and job description; and
The last payment date and, if requested by the employee, a reason for the termination of service.
But the Department of Labour started requesting a summary of the last 4 years of employment (Year to Date reports). A more condensed version of the Year to Date report would very handy showing only UIF remuneration and contributions of the last 4 years.
A combination of these two would be great, but at the very least a Certificate of Service would be fantastic!
Yes, this would be great - Employees always get asked for supply a work schedule when claiming from UIF - Monthly salary and hours worked per month for last 5 years. Also is the system able to supply the UI 19 form as well. Even though we submit the monthly declaration to Department of labour monthly, they also ask for the UI19 signed by the company. We always print and sign this for employees when they leave.